Loop. Connect with your community.

An end-to-end mobile app designed to help individuals engage with their local communities through events, classes, groups and common interests.


Loop is a mobile app that allows users to get involved with their neighborhood and community. Users can discover local events and activities. As well as connect with neighbors who share similar interests.

Researcher, Product Designer
Figma, Miro, G-suites
User research, sketching, wireframing, prototyping, user testing
4 weeks

THE Challenge

Combating loneliness and isolation amongst the aging population

A study published by UCSF claimed more than 40% of seniors experience feelings of loneliness and isolation. This project aims to alleviate feelings of loneliness amongst the aging population by increasing interaction with their immediate community. The platform helps them increase social interaction and foster new connections through hyperlocal classes, volunteer opportunities, and events.

The solution

Connecting users with their local communities

A mobile app that helps individuals discover hyperlocal activities, events, and groups. While making community resources visible and accessible. The app also engages neighbors to bond through similar interests and activities. Which strengthens social connections, reduces social isolation, and improves well-being among users.

Foster connection through common interests

Interest groups not only allow users to discover activities related to their interests, but they can also connect with neighbors with common interests through “community posts”.

Partake in hyperlocal activities and events

Instead of having to visit community centers or scour online for something to do. Users can easily discover and register for classes, activities, events, and clubs offered by their immediate community.

Step 1 | Research

In order to pinpoint an appropriate solution to resolve feelings of loneliness amongst the aging population, I conducted user interviews to understand why they feel lonely and what they have done to alleviate the problem. I then conducted market research to understand available solutions and areas for improvement.

User interviews

With fewer family contact, elders involve themselves in their hobbies or community

Conversations with targeted users helped establish any additional user needs. Among the many suggestions, the most mentioned needs were:

Engaging in activities that involve other people

“If you are getting lonely, it is about getting out and finding groups of people. It might be volunteering or finding a book club or something that interests you. Then look to make connections in those events.”

Hobbies to keep them busy

After raising their children, many felt they finally have the time to nurture their hobbies.They would look for classes or clubs that align with their interests to keep them busy.

Proactively making and maintaining local friends

Some elders look to foster friendship within their neighborhood to spend time with or attend events together.

Regularly occurring activity to look forward to

Having a place to visit regularly provides routine, something to look forward to, and new opportunities.

Market research - Competitive Analysis

Consistent groups, along with shared interests, form friendships

Looking at Meetup, Nextdoor, and Facebook, I wanted to evaluate what works and what frustrates users.
It seems that in order for participants to develop a better social connection, we need regularly occurring activities where users are kept accountable to attend.

I found in successful sites:

  • Events are discoverable through both map view and list view
  • Groups based on hobbies and interests show higher participation
  • Nextdoor and Facebook offer mostly one-off events and lack consistent groups
  • Lack of accountability leads to inconsistent participation and interaction

THE gap

Users want to develop relationships and nurture their hobbies in a hyperlocal setting

Potential users claimed there is a need for the following:

  • Consistent participation and interaction in a regular activity
  • An opportunity to meet and make neighboring friends
  • Meeting friends who share similar hobbies or friends to do activities with

Step 2 | Design

With the compiled user needs and frustrations, I sketched different lo-fi solutions that were then narrowed down to the following.

User persona

Addressing real customer needs

Designing with a user in mind helps us understand the needs and frustrations of our target user. The persona I created is based on the previous interviews and market research. This will help shape the design and help us understand if the solution directly satisfies customer needs and frustrations.


Local activities and groups catered to users’ interests

From a series of lo-fi sketches, I narrowed it down to one set of wireframes that could satisfy user needs in a salient way. This design engages neighbors through common interest groups, and helps them discover and partake in related activities.

Interest Group page

The page provides a list of suggested events and activities related to the particular interest. Followed by related posts made by neighbors in the same group.

Discover page

Users can discover activities and events from a map view or list view. They can also explore what is available based on categories.

Register for activity

The activity page should include all necessary details. Including directions to the meeting location and a method to contact the organizer.

Home page

Quick access to information about users’ registered events. As well as quick access to the interest groups the user is following.

Step 3 | Validation

Using this set of wireframes, I built a hi-fi prototype to test with users to see their responses to the visuals, flow, and copy of the site.

A few unnoticed CTAs

Users suggested the addition of an accent color to visually bring out main CTAs.
Replacing the regular post button to be a floating action button keeps the users from scrolling back up to create posts.

Making "Groups" more prominent

With group pages only present in Home, the function was often overlooked by users. By creating a section for groups in the Discover page and search results, we can emphasize this function to users.

Communicated success after a task

Adding both full-page confirmation messages and a ‘scroll to’ function. Helps users clearly verify their actions were registered, especially among older users.

Step 4 | Results

Following validation testing, I proceeded to polish the final version of the page based on user feedback. The redesign improved CTA visibility, made Groups more prominent, and provided success messages.

The Challenge

Combating loneliness and isolation amongst the aging population

We aim to:

  • Create opportunities for users to meet and make friends in their immediate community
  • Allow users to meet others who share similar interests in order to form stronger bonds
  • Incentivize consistent participation and interaction for activities

The solution

A design that connects users with their local community

The app helps users discover hyperlocal activities, events, and groups. Which proximities make it more accessible for seniors without proper transportation.

The app also engages neighbors to bond through similar interests and activities. Which strengthens social connections, reduces social isolation, and improve well-being among users.

Overall testing results

The app was intuitive and can help users explore their community

Overall testing results indicate users felt the app was easy and intuitive to use. Users also claimed they would use the app to get acquainted with their neighborhood.


Claimed the app was clean and easy to navigate


Felt compelled to scroll through and discover activities


Wanted to see if their friends were in the same groups or activities


Thought all necessary information was included

Step 5 | Next steps

In the next iteration, I would love to prioritize some of the other concerns that presented themselves during the user and validation testing.

Adding capabilities - Develop a friends function

Adding a function that allows users to add others in their interests groups as “friends”. As well as showing who amongst these friends is attending what activities.

Testing to see if the current design is transferrable to other types of activities.

Test how other activity types would play out in the current design. For example, can this design be applied to volunteering opportunities, clubs, or free group events.
Another point of concern is how can we keep users accountable to participate in free group events.


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