Buildr. An all-in-one permitting platform.

A workflow management platform that streamlines and removes the need for paper in the building permit process. Buildr automates the tracking and management of permit applications from project intake to completion, and deliver total visibility throughout the process.


A building permit is often required for construction. Each city’s Department of Building Inspection (DBI) reviews every building permit application for life safety and building code compliance.

While many industries have been digitized, the permitting process remain mostly analog. Even with it’s recent adaptation to digital due to the pandemic, the application process still leaves plenty of room for improvement.

Researcher, Product Designer
Figma, Miro, G-suites
User research, sketching, wireframing, prototyping, user testing
4 weeks


The current process is obscure, time-consuming, and painful.

Architects waste precious time printing and organizing physical drawings, traveling to the DBI office for simple questions, all while juggling between multiple platforms for a single application.

The lack of visibility into the process also makes it hard for builders to manage resources, budgets, and time frames.

User interviews

Conversations with targeted users validated a need for improvement. The most mentioned painpoints were:

"Spent way too much time on admin work"

Applicants were frustrated about the amount of time spent organizing drawings, making prints, and traveling to the permit office.

"It was difficult to figure out what to do next"

Applicants felt existing portals lacked notifications, CTAs, and visual hierarchy. This both worsens the learning curve and makes it easy to lose track of items.

"Wish there was more online support"

Applicants felt it was difficult to find help on their portals. Oftentimes, they felt their questions can be answered through simple messaging or virtual calls instead of having to visit the DBI office.

Project team being kept in the dark

Applicants felt constant pressure from their project teams checking in on permit progress. Additionally with the project team being kept in the dark, it makes it hard for them to manage resoures, budgets, and schedule.

THE gap

Permit applicants want a transparent and straightforward process. All done in one place.

Potential users and subject matter experts claimed there is a need for the following:

  • A guided application process completed with notifications and clear CTAs
  • A way to easily exchange files and messages with reviewers
  • A way for the project team to stay up to date on permit progress

Current products were not meeting these needs.

The solution

Streamline inefficient processes with an all-in-one workflow management platform.

An all-in-one workflow management platform eliminates the need for excessive administrative work. Coupled with a layout that provides visibility, we can curb the learning curve and give users a better sense of the permitting process.

Step 1 | Research

I first studied 4 cities’ online portals to determine what the standard requirements and procedures are. This was coupled with the user and SME interviews mentioned above to understand how their needs and painpoints would fit in.

Understanding the topic

Mapping out the current workflow of securing a permit

In order to demystify a seemingly obscure procedure, I studied the workflow of 4 cities’ permitting process. his provided insight into common processes and product requirements.

Product Requirements

  • Submit & track applications and its associated documents
  • Exchange large files between applicant and reviewer
  • Messaging between applicant and reviewer
  • Invoice management
  • Making appointments with the building department and inspectors
  • Search public records for permit information

Step 2 | Design

With the compiled product requirements and user frustrations, I sketched different lo-fi solutions that were then narrowed down to the following.


Users get an overview of any latest updates or upcoming events. This page consists of 3 main sections- permit updates, general notifications, and upcoming appointments.

My projects

On this page, users can quickly track for any outstanding items associated with each permit application.

Project detail

Shows an overview of everything associated with the selected project. Information includes project details, appointments, invoices, messages, and permit status. Users can also invite team members for project visibility.

Files status

Allow users to check reviewer status for project files. Users can access returned reviewer comments and upload resubmittals through this page.

Step 3 | Validation

After building the hi-fi prototype to gauge user response on the task flows, visuals, and copy. There were 3 improvements made to the design.

When comments are issued to applicants

Comments are only published after all departments complete their review. The redesign eliminated the ability to view each departments’ comments one at a time.Departments that do not require immediate user attention had it’s associated icons toned down for visual hierarchy.

Accomodating reviewer's workflow

Applicants should not be able to upload files once review is in progress. This is to prevent confusion on the reviewer’s side. To accomodate for this, the “New Submittal” button found on the Files page was removed.

Eliminate the "Shared with me" tab

Users felt that having a separate “Shared With Me” tab was excessive and confusing. This tab was eliminated in the redesign.

Step 4 | Results

Following validation testing, I proceeded to polish the final version based on user feedback. A design that conforms more appropriately with the plan checker’s workflow.

The problem

The current process is obscure, time consuming, and painful.

Architects waste precious time printing and organizing physical drawings, traveling to the DBI office for simple questions, all while juggling between multiple platforms for a single application. The lack of visibility into the process also makes it hard for builders to manage resources, budgets, and time frames.

The solution

Streamline inefficient processes with an all-in-one workflow management platform.

An all-in-one workflow management platform eliminates the need for excessive administrative work. Coupled with a layout that provides visibility, we can curb the learning curve and give users a better sense of the permitting process.

Overall testing results

Users understood what was going on and were drawn to action items

The solution was tested with users who fit the target demographic. Overall, I received positive user feedback indicating the new portal was helpful for users to stay up to date and track their permits.


Claimed the site was clean and easy to navigate


Quickly knew what needed to be done for each permit


Thought all the necessary information was included. And can keep everything organized in one place


Loved the status indicators for project and files

Step 5 | Next steps

For the next steps, I would love to build upon the current design. Here are a few ideas for future expansion.

Develop the application submission, messaging, and scheduling functions.

Due to time constraint, only a few main portions of the portal was designed. Users showed interest in seeing what the application submission, messaging, and scheduling functions would look like.

Adjust to the workflow of other end users

I had limited access to city reviewers and inspectors. For the next steps, I would have liked to see how my project would adjust to their workflow.

Design the reviewer/inspector-facing workflows

Develop the reviewer/inspector-facing platforms. For example, a mobile extension catered to inspectors who are constantly on the move.


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